heyy its 9.57a.m . what am i still doing here updating trashy things in my blog ? why am i not going to class ? i skipped class ? nahh, no class today. in fact, there are NO CLASS AT ALL THESE 4 MONTHS. yeah baybehh. got swag huh ? *wink* i'm having my 4 months break uollss !! *nari keling berputar* sangat seronok rasanya dapat berjauhan dengan UTP buat sementara waktu. kihkih
so, what do i do during this break ? kerja laa apa lagi. bezanya cuti kali ni aku dah tak kerja kat tadika. sob sob :'( me miss tadika sooo much. bezanyaaa kali ni aku dipaksa kerja dengan my momma. memang adatlah setiap kali cuti ibu akan paksa kerja dengan dia. tapi selalu aku tepis je menggunakan kuasa ninja saktiku. tapi this time, i really couldn't run from it. cause this is about future. my future. my family future. our future. baru 20 tahun aku dah kena fikir jauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ke depan. ehh 20 ? belum belum. masih 19. hihi the conclusion is, during this break i'm working with my momma. kay fullstop.
talking about that future things, yeah i maybe act childish, talk insane, often goofing around and such but that just totally my outer self. for my inner self, i have been thinking a lot of things for a lot of people and finding solution and relating my past with the future and yadda yadda. i love being alone when i'm thinking but eventually those thoughts will end up ate my soul as i get too emotional when i did not get the solution for my future. not too emotional i'd say. that just a bit too exaggerated. when i am on my bad mood, i rarely show people how terrible i feel, how gloomy my face is and how much tears i have been shed because i don't want people to know what i'm going through. i'd rather keep them by myself. sometimes i just can't keep all the problems in my head. so, i will find trusted friends to share my problem. its quite hard to find a good listener these day but i'm quite fortunate to have some trusted and loyal friends that will listen to my stories, my complaint, my whine. they really brighten me up ! they made my day :') even though sometimes i didn't share my problems but just some trash-talk, crush-chat, girly-gossip or nonsense things to them. i am still glad that finally i get feedback to what i want to share with people.
to whoever that accidentally read my blog and this entry (only friends will read my blog though :>), i just want you to know that i miss you so much that i feel like crying right now :'( and and i am so glad to have you in my life. please don't get bored of me and please don't shut me off your life. i love you so much and i want to keep you forever. Amin
kawan adalah manusia yang berdiri di sekeliling mu.
bezanya tujuan dia berdiri disitu.
untuk menemanimu
atau sebagai hentian RnR-nya.
bila baca balik dari atas sebenarnya tak terfikir pun nak tulis entry emotional. huu dyra dyra *geleng kepala*
p/s : i hope that my future husband is a good listener ;) btw, err rindu UTP sikit. kbai
Dyra Haiyi