Friday, January 8, 2010


dah lame tak blogging ouh. adooi. lame gile. =.= oke lah actually so many cerita dah terlepas nak tules. ngee dah malas pulak nak tules. hehe oke lah aku just story what i remember je. :D ok waktu lastlast cuti dulu. my mom and dad and me pegila kl. sebab dorang ade keje. my mom suroh aku ekot. ngee then kitorang nak tido sane. so kene lah cari hotel. ibu pulak die nak pegi the mines. sebab die actually nak shopping. tapi dye kate kat kitorang

" ibu bukan nak shopping kat sane. just nak jalanjalan je. " haha i know my ibu well. its not a vacation if theres no shopping at all ( thats what my ibu think maybe )

lepas tu kitorang pun tanye lah hotel yang sebelah the mines tu. tapi hotel tu dah penuh. memang takde satu room pun kosong. sebab ramai orang nak sambut new years eve. then orang tu kate cube pegi tanye PALACE OF GOLDEN HORSES. kitorang pun tanye and finally kitorang pun decided tido situ. haha PALACE OF GOLDEN HORSES babe. best gile. cantek nak mampus. naseb baik lah my mum nak tido situ.hehe

sebenarnye aku captured banyak gile gamba dekat hotel tu. tapi malas nak masuk banyakbanyak. sikitsikit sudeh. haha ok now cite pasal skola pulak. aku amek science tulen.  haisyh hope i can cope with that stream. aminn

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