Days passed, months passed, years passed, there are so many people I have met in each phase that I passed. In all the phases. I met new friends or even new best friends. I admit that I REALLY suck at keeping in touch. Sometimes I am too lazy to wish their birthdays too cause yes I am suck at that. My bad. Friends from past keep thinking that I forgot them, throwing them away from my life but actually I AM NOT.
Today, I got a shocking news from my secondary school friend that one of our friend facing the death of her brother. It really breaks my heart. Really. Cause I knew what she's like when she's sad and knew that she is a bright person but thinking she's crying gloomily... it breaks my heart. The worse part is, I am no help to her in this situation.
Dear friends...I don't care whether I met you in kindergarten, primary school or even tuition classes, please remember that I really care for you as long as you still consider me being your friend.
Dyra Haiyi
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