Sunday, November 29, 2009

a HELLO word.

hurm.. hello blog world ! dulu i have a blog but dah lame tak bukak. haha. aku memang jenis mcm 'hangat-hangat tahi ayam' (taik is a bad word. so use tahi instead. XD hehe) tibe2 je ary nie 30/11/2009 waktu 9.49 AM teringin pulak nak bwat blog balek. mimpi kowt. hoho harapnye kali ni kekal lame lah ye. sebenanye in this blog i want to tell something yeah a bit of my life. thats mean what happen to me everyday. and maybe a piece of nonsense thing. hehe thats my fav totally ! XD haisyh patot ke first entry ni aku cite masalah aku ? bukan ke first entry orang slalu kenalkan diri whatever thing like that. malas lah nak kenalkan diri sume. kalau nak tau baik g kat my myspace ke, facebook ke, ape-ape ke. takpelah gtg now. my mom calls me. haha continue to the next entry after this. :)

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