Saturday, August 11, 2012

Social Networks

yeahh. first social network yang aku sign up, cuba teka apa ?? of course laa that lame Myspace. muehehe and then start laa sign up friendster, facebook, tumblr, twitter, blogger, hi5, blablablabla and many more. dulu aku selalu express my feeling, my experience, my future plans in this belog kesayangan. tapi hari demi hari, aku mula lupakan blog lalu beralih ke twitter untuk express my feelings and share my stories. for picture, i'll just share it in instagram. see, teknologi silih berganti hari demi hari. and technology really made me forget bout the old ones. yeahh the first time i try tweeting, yeah, i do feel some privacy. tapi bila dah makin lama, makin banyak following, makin banyak followers, twitter is not a safe site anymore. i know, some of the people start their relationship thru these social networks seperti yang berlaku pada Cik Najwa Latipp kita, cinta muka buku bagai. tapi actually these networks will sometime break the bonds of some relay. yeah kita never realised this. actually, perkara ni berlaku dikalangan kami. our clique. all of this started when these two ppl started signing up their Twider account. ntah laa nak cakap macam mana. tapi since dorang ni ada twider, macammacam yang melanda our friendship. and now this is the climax. i don't know what to do. i have ZERO idea. so, aku nak biarkan je perkara ni because i believe that someday, we'll be fine ;) harapnya ada yang mengalah because in a friendship, we must be the one to let down our ego. try mengalah. bila pergaduhan ni settle, one day, we'll be the closest friend ever ! 

kay for the second setoghi, semalam first time ever aku drive jauh, malam and without ayah. terganggu emosi la cakap pasal ni. forget it ! ==' rasa tak sedap hati. something wrong somewhere. Ya Allah tolong lah aku. permudahkanlah urusan ini. Aminnnn 

Dyra Haiyi

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