Thursday, June 3, 2010

fresh born after the stress

seriously kali nie da lame gile tak update blog . adoi sebok gilaa ah. actually many things happened. okay forgot to tell that aku akhernye bulan 3 hari tu aku dapat 2nd intake pegi mrsm merbok , kedah . haha jaoh kowt . almost 3 months aku kat sane . tak sangke kowt finally i can survive the hostel life . haha no one can imagine . before aku pegi tu kan , everybody got me down and think that aku takkan dapat survive . haha

" Dyra esok sampai sane mesti nanges kankan ? "
" alar normal lah nangesnanges tu , kalau tak nanges tak normal lah "
" nanti jangan mintak nak balek pulak tao "

amboi , everybody serious cakap macam tu kat aku ouh . tapi guess what ? aku tak nanges pown ouh ! haha miracle gilaaa . ouh yeah . oke forget bout that . now aku nak cite result STANDARDISED TEST 2 aku . haha ranking aku turon gile sebabkan satu subjek aku failed ! benci gile !! OMG . nie results aku :

bahasa melayu - 47 %
bahasa inggeris - 86 %
modern math - ( lupe larh pulek. hehe )
add math - 98 % ( haha naseb je nie )
physics - 71 %
chemistry - 60 %
biology - 80 %
pend . islam - 85 %
sejarah - 51 %

see ! BAHASA MELAYU FAILED ! bengang gile douh . haisyh okay now baru over FINAL EXAM SEM 1 . susah gile bapak laa . waaaaa im afraid !! please pray for me .. pleaseeee

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