Friday, March 8, 2013

this one friend of mine

i am so sad. terribly sad. here i am. going to bed at 2 a.m and suddenly woke up and hear some songs while writing in my blog at 4 a.m and have to wake up at 6.30 a.m so that i can rush to the event at 7.30 a.m. nak jadi apa pun jadi la. aku taktau apa yang buat sampai aku tak boleh tidur ni. bila fikir balik mungkin banyak unsolved thinking kot. and apa yang menyedihkan sangat tu adalah pasal that one friend of mine. before, i can tolerate how selfish that person is cause i knew that that person still needs time to learn how to make and to have many friends eventhough there's one time that this person really hurt my feeling so much. that person ignored how important i am to make the decision together. that person really didnt care how would i end up this semester. yeah this situation happened last semester. you know, when we were really close before, i usually tell that person about anything and everything. i never thought that that person will leave me alone in that important situation. just thinking about what had happened really will make my eyes drained with tears :'( and this semester that person hurt my feeling again when that person should make up to something but that person just wont show up. i thought with that person joining me can give a positive feedback towards my close friends that what i show up with is very beneficial. but, how dare that person change the mind to not going to join in. yeah i knew that they will just laugh at me being so silly showing up with something nonsense that even that person wouldnt want to join in. you do really hurt my heart my friend. really really hurt me. i should really put a distance (?) and maybe i wont take you seriously anymore eventhough we are still friends. thanks for hurting me. THANK YOU SO MUCH

Dyra Haiyi

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